Vibratory Deburring Recycling Systems

Vibratory Deburring Recycling Systems

AQUASGROUP Vibratory Recycling Systems relieve the potential for clogged drain lines and support Manufacturing Sustainability objectives through Zero Liquid Discharge.

AQUASGROUP’s GFS Vibratory Recycling Systems (VRS) provide manufacturers proven designs unmatched by traditional bentonite clay (RM-10) flocculation systems and indexing paper filters (Deep Bed). AQUASGROUP’s VRS continually recycles the water/compound byproduct of the deburring operations, removing solids and bacteria while rendering water reusable indefinitely.

Through an integration of Best Available Technology (BAT) AQUASGROUP offers solutions for applications both small and large. Technologies applied include both gravity and centrifugal force enhanced settling, ozone, and in specific cases, specialized non-fouling membrane ultrafiltration.

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Vibratory Deburring Tech Sheet

Benefits include:

  • Automated Solids Separation
  • Requires No Drain
  • Closed Loop, Zero Liquid Discharge
  • Supports Corporate Sustainability Goals
  • Compact Design, Chemical Engineered and Industrial Hardened

Waste Wizard based Membrane UF Assembly

AG GFS MEM-UF/WW Green Factory Series® Waste Wizard based membrane UF assembly used in suspended solids/water separation including vibratory deburring, recycling surfactant based detergents and other aqueous based applications.

Closed Loop Vibratory Deburring Recycling System

AG GFS® VRS MEM/WW/55 Closed Loop Vibratory Deburring Recycling System includes automatic solids separation using membrane UF technology combined with gravity settling.

Vibratory Deburring Recycling System

AG GFS VRS-C/WW High Solids GFS® Vibratory Deburring Compound/Water Recycling System integrating membrane ultrafiltration technology with centrifugal force (basket centrifuge) providing continuous management of compound/water solution and zero liquid discharge.


Rob Sheldon

Vice President / Sales


Nicholas Paolo, Jr.

President / Engineering

Mailing Address:

Corporate Headquarters & Fabrication Division

41 Commercial Way

East Providence, RI 02914

Water Technologies & Service Division

830 Waterman Avenue

East Providence, RI 02914