Industrial Water Management Systems
What Are Industrial Water Management Systems
Industrial water management systems are systems that are used to purify incoming water for use, continuously recycle water utilized in manufacturing processes and treat waste water generated either for discharge or recovery for reuse. Manufacturing sectors such as aerospace, medical device, electronics, automotive, jewelry, specialty hardware and other precision processes require a continuous source of high-quality water. Further, most processes utilizing water contaminate that water in one form or another resulting in variability through time and / or large volumes of contaminated water and consequent waste.
AQUASGROUP’s systems comprehensively meet the needs of manufacturing operations by providing efficient, cost effective solutions that support enhanced process quality while minimizing waste generation and compliance exposure. Water Management Systems offered include:
Process Water Purification Systems: Incoming water purification systems provide a source of pure water to meet the demands of the operation. Available in point of use, mobile or centralized, facility scale purification, storage and distribution configurations, these systems will ensure you always have a source of water meeting the requirements of your process.
Process Water Recycling Systems: Continuous process water repurification is achieved through high recirculation rates through filtration, media and / or membrane technology to match the characteristics of the contamination. Available in point of use, cellular or centralized configurations these systems are integrated with equipment that utilizes and contaminates water through rinsing including parts washers, flushing systems, metal finishing process lines, fluorescent penetrant inspection, ultrasonic inspection vibratory deburring, water jet, EDM and many more resulting in Zero Liquid Discharge solutions.
Wastewater Treatment and Recovery Systems: Waste water generated in facilities can be treated prior to being discharged under an NPDES Permit or recovered for reuse throughout the facility. Wastewater Treatment Systems design is dependent on the characteristics of the waste streams but can include pH neutralization, metals precipitation, solids removal, filtration media such as granular activated carbon and ion exchange resin, membrane technology, evaporation and vacuum distillation. Significant benefits can be realized through waste water reduction and recovery systems including reduced regulatory exposure, overhead associated with monitoring and reporting, water consumption, waste generation, operating costs and sustainability. Ultimately, the appropriate approach will depend on several factors including the volume of waste water generated, the characteristics of that waste stream, location and company objectives.
Monitoring and control systems: These systems monitor the performance of the water management systems and ensure that it is operating efficiently and effectively.
AQUASGROUP’s Green Factory Series Water Management Systems are designed specifically to meet the quality standards of precision manufacturing while providing benefits in terms of efficiency, waste minimization and sustainability in support of the future of manufacturing.
Benefits of Aquasgroup’s Industrial Water Management Systems
There are several benefits to using a surface finishing water management system:
Reduced Wastewater Generation: Through continuous recycling and waste water recovery for reuse, AQUASGROUP’s solutions can significantly reduce the amount of waste water that needs to be disposed of, reducing costs while minimizing water consumption.
Reduces water consumption: By recycling treated waste water back into the process, a water management system can reduce the need for fresh water, which can be particularly important in areas where water resources are limited.
Increases process efficiency and quality: By continuously recycling treated waste water back into the process, a water management system maintains high-quality, consistent rinses while increasing process efficiency and reducing production costs.
Improves environmental compliance: Surface finishing operations can generate wastewater that contains a variety of contaminants, and proper treatment and disposal of this wastewater is important to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. AQUASGROUP’s Water Management Systems can help to ensure that waste water is properly treated prior to discharge or recovered for reuse, helping to reduce or eliminate the risk of environmental non-compliance.
Protects the quality of water resources: By effectively treating and recycling water contaminated through manufacturing processes, these systems can help to protect the quality of water resources and reduce the risk of water pollution.

Applications |
Parts Washers |
Precision Cleaning |
Flushing Booths |
Metal Finishing Systems |
Electroplating |
Electropolishing |
Anodizing |
Etching |
Conversion Coating |
Passivation |
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) |
Flourescent Penetrant Inspection (FPI) |
X-Ray |
Ultrasonic (UT) |
Tapwater Deionization |
Industrial Process Wastewater Treatment |
Industrial Process Wastewater Recovery |
Nicholas Paolo, Jr.
President / Engineering
Mailing Address:
Corporate Headquarters & Fabrication Division
41 Commercial Way
East Providence, RI 02914
Water Technologies & Service Division
830 Waterman Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914